Lesson plans and mobile app

Online lesson plans In most of the cases, we are using lessons plans by https://www.linguahouse.com/. The library is constantly expanding and covers topics plans for:

  • General English
  • Breaking News (lessons based on recent events)
  • English for Teens and Kids
  • Business English
  • Medical English (including exam prep for OET - Occupational English Test from level A1-A2 trhough B1-B2 up to C1-C2)
  • Legal English

Mobilapp: Expemo

Lesson plans contain a QR code which could be checked by the Expemo mobile app. We will grant access for you to these practice tasks, so you would be able to do 15-20 minutes practice sessions after the lessons, whenever and wherever you want. This will help you to retain the words and expressions taught in the relevant lessons.