
Individual lessons

Lessons are usually conducted online using Skype, Zoom, or Teams. Unless required differently, we are using the lessons provided by, according to your level of knowledge. We focus on what you need the best: developing your speaking, listening, understanding or writing skills. The course material can be general topics, specialised for young learners or teenagers, or specific to your profession, such as medical, legal, administrative, or language used in business life. Upon request, we provide access to the Expemo app so you can practice what you’ve learnt in the lesson at any time or place.

The lessons are 45 minutes long; however, we can have longer lessons if you need them for intensive preparation. Face-to-face classes are also possible, but they should be discussed beforehand.

Preparation for a language exam

In most cases, speaking the language well is not necessarily enough to pass the exam successfully. I’ve met many people working abroad who could not pass an exam. The reason is that for a successful performance, you need to know the various types of tasks and their proper way of solving them as required by the exam provider. Speaking the language is just a base for it. As we know the requirements, we will practice these tasks with you. We will prepare you for that exam if you already know which exam you will take (Euroexam, Origo, IELTS, etc.). Speaking the language is often not enough to pass the exam successfully.

Group lessons

We can deliver lessons for groups both online and face-to-face. We assess the levels of the individuals in the group, set the goals, and define the course agenda accordingly. The lessons are interactive: students solve tasks in pairs or small groups or complete a project as a whole.

Language development, coaching

In several cases, a traditional lesson is not needed. Instead, specific skills are developed, for example, understanding foreign colleagues or customers better and expressing your opinion more colourfully and convincingly in a meeting. It could also be supporting you in preparing for an important presentation or meeting, practising, mentoring, and coaching, which could not fit into a traditional lesson. The development lessons are specific to your profession: medical, legal and administration, technical or business language.

Preparation for a job interview

You don’t need to move abroad today to work for a foreign employer or have a foreign boss, but even in Hungary, quite often, a good level of spoken and written English is required. We are happy to prepare you for that! We offer you preparation lessons on three levels:

  • mock interview and evaluation (45 mts)
  • mock interview, evaluation and mentoring (2 x 45 mts)
  • coaching for preparing a successful CV by our partner (lengths TBD)

Language assessment

If you don’t know your level, take this test! It’s free, and taking it does not mean any obligation for you. We send you the result anyway. In the verbal evaluation, we can discuss your exact needs and the proper way of teaching that is the best for you.